Simplify, convert, and do math with fractions in Zig
A Zig library for performing math with fractions, where each fraction is represented by a pair of integers.
Compatible with Zig 0.13 stable.
Supported APIs:
, init()
, toStringAlloc()
, format()
, abs()
, sub()
, mul()
, div()
, eqlAbs()
, eqlZero()
, order()
, orderAbs()
)First, run the following:
zig fetch --save git+
Then add the following to build.zig:
const zig_fractions = b.dependency("zig-fractions", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("zig-fractions", zig_fractions.module("zig-fractions"));
Then you can use the library in your Zig project:
const Fraction = @import("zig-fractions").Fraction;
var f1 = try Fraction.fromFloat(@as(f32, 2.5));
const f2 = try Fraction.init(1, 5, false);
try f1.mul(&f2); // 2.5 * 1/5 = 1/2
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{f1}); // "1/2"
Pull requests are welcome.