Timezoned Datetime in Zig
Timezoned Datetime in Zig. Opinionated, and mostly for learning purposes.
zig build examples
)// need an allocator for the time zones since the size of the rule-files varies.
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
// zdt embeds the IANA tz database:
var tz_LA = try zdt.Timezone.fromTzdata("America/Los_Angeles", allocator);
defer tz_LA.deinit();
// you can also use your system's tz data at runtime;
// this will very likely not work on Windows, so we use the embedded version here as well.
var tz_Paris = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => try zdt.Timezone.fromTzdata("Europe/Paris", allocator),
else => try zdt.Timezone.fromSystemTzdata("Europe/Paris", zdt.Timezone.tzdb_prefix, allocator),
defer tz_Paris.deinit();
// ISO8601 parser on-board, accepts wide variety of compatible formats
const a_datetime = try zdt.Datetime.fromISO8601("2022-03-07");
const this_time_LA = try a_datetime.tzLocalize(.{ .tz = &tz_LA });
// string output also requires allocation...
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try this_time_LA.toString("%I %p, %Z", buf.writer());
const this_time_Paris = try this_time_LA.tzConvert(.{ .tz = &tz_Paris });
// '{s}' directive gives ISO8601 format by default;
"Time, LA : {s} ({s})\n... that's {s} in Paris ({s})\n\n",
.{ this_time_LA, buf.items, this_time_Paris, this_time_Paris.tzAbbreviation() },
// Time, LA : 2022-03-07T00:00:00-08:00 (12 am, PST)
// ... that's 2022-03-07T09:00:00+01:00 in Paris
const wall_diff = try this_time_Paris.diffWall(this_time_LA);
const abs_diff = this_time_Paris.diff(this_time_LA);
"Wall clock time difference: {s}\nAbsolute time difference: {s}\n",
.{ wall_diff, abs_diff },
// Wall clock time difference: PT9H
// Absolute time difference: PT0S
See Wiki
See changelog
This library is developed with Zig 0.14.0-dev
aka 'master', might not compile with older versions. As of 2025-01-16, Zig-0.13 stable or higher should work.
: 2025a
: 2024b
>= v0.2.1
: 2024a
comes with eggert/tz. The database is compiled and shipped with zdt
(as-is; not tar-balled or compressed).-Dprefix-tzdb="path/to/your/tzdb"
option. See also zig build --help
.zig build update-tzdb
. Some of the code generation is done with Python scripts, which require Python >= 3.9 but no third party packages, i.e. a system installation will do.MPL. See the LICENSE file in the root directory of the repository.