wayland ported to the zig build system
This is Wayland, packaged for Zig.
First, update your build.zig.zon
# Initialize a `zig build` project if you haven't already
zig init
zig fetch --save git+
You can then import wayland
in your build.zig
const wayland = b.dependency("wayland", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const wayland_server = wayland.artifact("wayland-server");
const wayland_client = wayland.artifact("wayland-client");
const wayland_egl = wayland.artifact("wayland-egl");
const wayland_cursor = wayland.artifact("wayland-cursor");
// Makes sure we get `wayland-scanner` for the host platform even when cross-compiling
const wayland_host = b.dependency("wayland", .{
.target =,
.optimize = std.builtin.OptimizeMode.Debug,
const wayland_scanner = wayland_host.artifact("wayland-scanner");