A non-spec-compliant, but probably pretty fast, XML parser for Zig.
A fairly fast XML parser for Zig.
Note that this parser isn't strictly spec-compliant, however it will probably work with most well-formed xml documents.
Pretty speedy
Reader API-friendly
Can populate structs
Can populate dynamic values
Compile-time parsing
Diagnostics for malformed documents
Stringification (coming soon)
Here are the results from the given benchmarks on my pc (i9-14900kf) in different optimisation modes, when parsing the OpenGL XML Spec document fully.
Mode | Min | Max | Avg |
Debug |
100ms |
280ms |
131ms |
ReleaseSafe |
13ms |
25ms |
15ms |
ReleaseSmall |
18ms |
50ms |
30ms |
ReleaseFast |
7ms |
27ms |
13ms |
All times are averaged over 100 runs, rounded to the nearest 2sf.
Dishwasher has 4 APIs, 3 of which will be most useful.
Dishwasher lets you parse an XML document from either an entire slice or a reader into a tree-like structure that represents all nodes.
All of the parse methods create an arena which is returned back to you so that you can deinitialise it when you no longer need the data.
const owned_tree = dishwasher.parse.fromSlice(allocator, xml_text);
defer owned_tree.deinit(); // all strings and lists will be free'd
std.debug.assert(owned_tree.tree.children[0] == .elem);
const owned_tree = dishwasher.parse.fromReader(allocator, file.reader());
defer owned_tree.deinit();
std.debug.assert(owned_tree.tree.children[0] == .elem);
You can also get basic information about invalid documents using the parse
diagnostics struct, and passing it into either parse.fromSliceDiagnostics
or parse.fromReaderDiagnostics
var diagnostics = dishwasher.parse.Diagnostics.init(allocator);
defer diagnostics.deinit();
const parsed = try dishwasher.parse.fromReaderDiagnostics(allocator, file.reader(), &diagnostics);
defer parsed.deinit();
for (diagnostics.defects.items) |defect| {
std.debug.print("{} from {}..{}", .{ defect.kind, defect.range.start, defect.range.end });
The returned tree has the following signature:
const Tree = struct {
pub const Node = union(enum) {
pub const Elem = struct {
pub const Attr = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: ?[]const u8,
tag_name: []const u8,
attributes: []const Attr,
tree: ?Tree,
// Get an attribute given its name.
pub fn attributeByName(self: Elem, needle: []const u8) ?Attr;
pub fn attr(self: Elem, needle: []const u8) ?Attr;
// Get the value of an attribute given its name. Note that if the
// attribute has no value, e.g., <button disabled> this will
// still return null. Use attr or attributeByName in those
// cases.
pub fn attributeValueByName(self: Elem, needle: []const u8) ?[]const u8;
pub fn attrValue(self: Elem, needle: []const u8) ?[]const u8;
pub const Text = struct {
contents: []const u8,
// Return the text without any whitespace at the beginning or end.
pub fn trimmed(self: Text) []const u8;
pub const Comment = struct {
contents: []const u8,
elem: Elem,
text: text,
comment: Comment,
children: []const Node,
// Find an element child by its tag name
pub fn elementByTagName(self: Tree, needle: []const u8) ?Node.Elem;
pub fn elem(self: Tree, needle: []const u8) ?Node.Elem;
// Allocate a slice for all of the element children of a given tag name
// To free the returned slice, you can just call allocator.free(elements)
// where 'elements' is the returned slice.
pub fn elementsByTagNameAlloc(self: Tree, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, needle: []const u8) ![]Node.Elem;
pub fn elemsAlloc(self: Tree, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, needle: []const u8) ![]Node.Elem;
// Get an element by the value of one of its attributes
pub fn elementByAttributeValue(self: Tree, needle_name: []const u8, needle_value: []const u8) ?Node.Elem;
pub fn elemByAttr(self: Tree, needle_name: []const u8, needle_value: []const u8) ?Node.Elem;
// Return the inner text (not including the elements) of the tree. Note that the
// result will be entirely unformatted.
pub fn concatTextAlloc(self: Tree, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8;
// Return the inner text (not including the elements) of the tree but without
// any whitespace at the start or end.
pub fn concatTextTrimmedAlloc(self: Tree, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8;
Often, it's useful to be able to populate a given struct with values from an XML document. That is, 'reading' the document into the struct.
Dishwasher comes with a shaping API so you can dictate how the document should
be read into the struct. Simply declare an xml_shape
on the struct:
const Job = struct {
title: []const u8,
start_date: []const u8,
end_date: []const u8,
const Person = struct {
pub const xml_shape = .{
.name = .content_trimmed,
.age = .{ .attribute, "age" },
.jobs = .{ .elements, "job", .{
.start_date = .{ .attribute, "start_date" },
.end_date = .{ .attribute, "end_date" },
.title = .content_trimmed,
.fired = .attribute_exists,
} },
.location = .{
.{ .element, "house", .content },
.{ .element, "work", .content },
.apprentice = .{ .maybe, .{ .element, "apprentice", Person } },
.children = .{ .elements, "child", Person },
name: []const u8,
age: []const u8,
jobs: []struct {
start_date: []const u8,
end_date: []const u8,
title: []const u8,
fired: bool,
location: union(enum) {
house: []const u8,
work: []const u8,
none: void,
apprentice: ?*Person,
children: []Person,
pub const Register = struct {
pub const xml_shape = .{
.people = .{ .elements, "person", Person },
people: []Person,
const register = try diswasher.Populate(Register).initFromSlice(allocator, xml_text);
defer register.deinit();
// register.value: Register
Alternatively, you can populate an existing struct:
var register: Register = undefined;
const arena = try dishwasher.Populate(Register).fromSlice(allocator, xml_text, ®ister);
defer arena.deinit();
If you want to own all of your values yourself, use:
const owned_tree = dishwasher.parse.fromReader(allocator, file.reader());
defer owned_tree.deinit();
const register = try dishwasher.Populate(Register).initFromTreeOwned(allocator, owned_tree.tree);
// free 'register' values yourself..
If some field accepts any sort of XML document shape, you can instruct it
to accept a parse.Tree
const Register = struct {
pub const xml_shape = .{
.people = .{ .elements, "person", dishwasher.parse.Tree },
people: []dishwasher.parse.Tree,
NOTE Note that the tree is not duplicated for you, so if you use the
method, the values in the tree will still belong to the arena that was initialised for the tree.
If you use the initFromTreeOwned
population method, you can free all of the values in an arena-friendly way with:
dishwasher.Populate(Register).deinit(allocator, register);
It could be useful to parse an XML document at compile time, for example for some inline code generation. While comptime doesn't have allocators, there's a custom API for this:
const tree = dishwasher.parse.fromSliceComptime(xml_text);
Check out the Tree API to know what to do with the returned value.
If you want to populate a struct at compile time, you can use the *Comptime
on the Populate
const register = dishwasher.Populate(Register).initFromSliceComptime(xml_text);
NOTE Remember that for the target struct, all pointers need to be
*const T
or[]const T
If you want low-level access to the iterator for lexing an XML document, you can use the Scanner API, which accepts a slice buffer:
var xmlScanner = Scanner.fromSlice(xml_text);
while (try xmlScanner.next()) |token| {
std.debug.print("token kind: ", .{ token.kind });
If you have a reader and no access to the entire slice, the Reader API can connect any reader to the Scanner API so you can lex from a reader:
var xmlReader = Scanner.staticBufferReader(file.reader());
while (try xmlScanner.next()) |token| {
std.debug.print("token kind: ", .{ token.kind });
NOTE If you're given an error about running out of buffer space, try increase the reader buffer size with
const buffer_size = 4096; const XmlFileReader = zigScanner.StaticBufferReader(@TypeOf(file.reader()), buffer_size); const xmlReader = XmlFileReader.init(file.reader());
The scanner works during compile time without any modification.
All dishwasher code is under the MIT license.