Zig JSON Web Token package.
Zig implementation of JSON Web Tokens (RFC 7519).
Claim verification is not implemented yet.
Future work includes adding features to verify aud
, exp
, iat
and nbf
claims as described in Section 4 of the RFC.
Supported | alg Parameter | Description |
✅ | none | No digital signature or MAC value included |
✅ | HS256 | HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm |
✅ | HS384 | HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm |
✅ | HS512 | HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm |
✅ | ES256 | ECDSA using P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm |
✅ | ES384 | ECDSA using P-384 curve and SHA-384 hash algorithm |
❌ | ES512 | ECDSA using P-521 curve and SHA-512 hash algorithm |
❌ | PS256 | RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 hash algorithm |
❌ | PS384 | RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 hash algorithm |
❌ | PS512 | RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 hash algorithm |
❌ | RS256 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 hash algorithm |
❌ | RS384 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384 hash algorithm |
❌ | RS512 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512 hash algorithm |