A backbone for text editors. No rendering, no input, but everything else.
A backend for text editors. It implements the common textbox editing options, but is both rendering and input agnostic.
Keyboard input must be translated into operations like editor.delete(.right, .word)
to emulate what a typical text box implementation would do when CTRL DELETE
is pressed.
For mouse input, the editor component needs to be made aware about the font that is used. For this, an abstract font interface is required.
const TextEditor = @import("src/TextEditor.zig");
fn init(TextEditor.Buffer, initial_text: []const u8) InsertError!TextEditor {
fn deinit(*TextEditor) void;
fn setText(*TextEditor, text: []const u8) InsertError!void;
fn getText(TextEditor) []const u8;
fn getSubString(editor: TextEditor, start: usize, length: ?usize) []const u8;
fn setCursor(*TextEditor, offset: usize) SetCursorError!void;
fn moveCursor(*TextEditor, direction: EditDirection, unit: EditUnit) void;
fn delete(*TextEditor, direction: EditDirection, unit: EditUnit) void;
fn insertText(*TextEditor, text: []const u8) InsertError!void;
fn graphemeCount(TextEditor) usize;
Keyboard Input | Editor Call |
Left |
editor.moveCursor(.left, .letter) |
Right |
editor.moveCursor(.right, .letter) |
Ctrl+Left |
editor.moveCursor(.left, .word) |
Ctrl+Right |
editor.moveCursor(.right, .word) |
Home |
editor.moveCursor(.left, .line) |
End |
editor.moveCursor(.right, .line) |
Backspace |
editor.delete(.left, .letter) |
Delete |
editor.delete(.right, .letter) |
Ctrl+Backspace |
editor.delete(.left, .word) |
Ctrl+Delete |
editor.delete(.right, .word) |
text input | try editor.insert("string") |