Key-value store designed for local development
JetKV is a key-value store written in Zig intended for use in development and production web servers. Basic in-memory and on-disk backends are provided for local development and a Valkey backend is provided for production. All backends are exposed by a unified interface.
JetKV can be used for:
JetKV is used by the Jetzig Web Framework to provide a zero-setup, in-process key-value store for all of the above.
Recommended for production.
var kv = try JetKV(.{
.backend = .valkey,
.valkey_backend_options = .{
.pool_size = 8,
.buffer_size = 8192,
Recommended for local development.
var kv = try JetKV(.{ .backend = .memory }).init(allocator);
Recommended for local development where persistent storage is required.
When using the file allocator, JetKV.init
receives an allocator in order to provide a consistent API but does not perform any allocations. It is therefore possible to pass undefined
instead of an allocator when using the file allocator.
The file passed as the path
field is locked on startup.
var kv = try JetKV(.{
.backend = .file,
.file_backend_options = .{
// Path to storage file (JetKV stores all data in a single, platform-agnostic file)
.path = "/path/to/jetkv.db",
// Set to `true` to clear the store on each launch.
.truncate = false,
// Set the size of the on-disk hash table (each address is currently 4 bytes)
// Use `jetkv.addressSpaceSize` to guarantee a valid size if address size changes in future
.address_space_size = jetkv.addressSpaceSize(4096),
All operations are identical for .file
, .memory
, and .valkey
backends with the exception of putExpire
which is not supported by the .file
Operations are O(1) complexity for .memory
and .file
backends. See Valkey Commands Reference for Valkey operation complexity.
Read operations receive an allocator to allow separation of internal allocation and value reads. e.g. you may want to use one allocator for the KV store's internal storage and a stack fallback/arena allocator for reading values.
// Put some strings into the KV store
try kv.put("foo", "baz");
try kv.put("bar", "qux");
// `append` and `prepend` create a new array if one does not already exist
try kv.append("example_array", "quux");
try kv.prepend("example_array", "corge");
if (try kv.get(allocator, "foo")) |value| {
// "baz";
if (try kv.fetchRemove(allocator, "bar")) |value| {
// "qux";
// Remove a string from the KV store. Does not remove arrays.
try kv.remove("foo");
if (kv.pop(allocator, "example_array")) |value| {
// "quux";
if (kv.popFirst(allocator, "example_array")) |value| {
// "corge";
Launch Valkey:
docker compose up
Run tests:
zig build test
Native Zig adapter for Valkey implementing RESP 3.
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast run
The memory backend uses a Zig std.StringHashMap
of []const u8
for string storage and std.DoublyLinkedList([]const u8)
for array storage.
The file backend implements a fixed-sized hash table at the beginning of the file.
Hash collisions are resolved as singly-linked lists. Arrays are implemented as doubly-linked lists.
Each index in the hash table references a location in the file which provides address information:
Values are inserted with a relative amount of over-allocation to allow re-use of space when replacing values.
Keys have a maximum length of 1024
bytes in order to allow key comparison to operate exclusively on the stack.
Reference counting is used to allow truncating the file when the store becomes empty.