Zmpl is a templating language written in Zig
Zmpl is a templating language for Zig :lizard:
Visit the Jetzig Documentation page to see detailed Zmpl documentation with usage examples.
See src/templates for more examples.
<!-- Zig mode for template logic -->
@zig {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "zmpl is simple", "zmpl" ++ " is " ++ "simple")) {
<span>Zmpl is simple!</span>
<!-- Easy data lookup syntax -->
<div>Email: {{$}}</div>
<div>Token: {{$.auth.token}}</div>
<!-- Partials -->
@partial example_partial
<!-- Partials with positional args -->
@partial mailto($, "Welcome to Jetzig!")
<!-- Partials with keyword args --->
@partial mailto(email: $, subject: "Welcome to Jetzig!")
<!-- Partials with slots --->
@partial mailto(email: $, subject: "Welcome to Jetzig!") {
<a href="{{$.auth.token}}">Sign in</a>
<a href="{{$.auth.token}}">Unsubscribe</a>
@markdown {
# Built-in markdown support
* [](
Partial@args email: *ZmplValue, subject: []const u8
<a href="mailto:{{email}}?subject={{subject}}">{{email}}</a>
@zig {
for (slots, 0..) |slot, slot_index| {
<div class="slot-{{slot_index}}">{{slot}}</div>
<!-- Zig mode for template logic -->
<span>Zmpl is simple!</span>
<!-- Easy data lookup syntax -->
<div>Email: [email protected]</div>
<div>Token: abc123-456-def</div>
<!-- Partials -->
<span>An example partial</span>
<!-- Partials with positional args -->
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
<!-- Partials with keyword args --->
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
<!-- Partials with slots --->
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
<div class="slot-0"><a href="">Sign in</a></div>
<div class="slot-1"><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></div>
<div><h1>Built-in markdown support</h1>
<ul><li><a href=""></a></li></ul></div>
Default template path is src/templates
. Use -Dzmpl_templates_path=...
to set an alternative (relative or absolute) path.
receives four arguments:
: A pointer to a zmpl.Data
, used by references to look up template data.Context
: A type defining some predefined data that is passed to every template. Context
must be the same type passed to every template, but its structure is arbitrary.context
: A value of type Context
containing specific values. Available as context
within every template.options
: Template render options:pub const RenderOptions = struct {
/// Specify a layout to wrap the rendered content within. In the template layout, use
/// `{{zmpl.content}}` to render the inner content.
layout: ?Manifest.Template = null,
const std = @import("std");
const zmpl = @import("zmpl");
const Context = struct { foo: []const u8 = "default" };
const context = Context{ .foo = "bar" };
test "readme example" {
var data = zmpl.Data.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer data.deinit();
var body = try data.object();
var user = try data.object();
var auth = try data.object();
try user.put("email", data.string("[email protected]"));
try auth.put("token", data.string("abc123-456-def"));
try body.put("user", user);
try body.put("auth", auth);
if (zmpl.find("example")) |template| {
const output = try template.render(&data, Context, context, .{});
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\<!-- Zig mode for template logic -->
\\ <span>Zmpl is simple!</span>
\\<!-- Easy data lookup syntax -->
\\<div>Email: [email protected]</div>
\\<div>Token: abc123-456-def</div>
\\<!-- Partials -->
\\<span>An example partial</span>
\\<!-- Partials with positional args -->
\\<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
\\<!-- Partials with keyword args --->
\\<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
\\<!-- Partials with slots --->
\\<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Welcome to Jetzig!">[email protected]</a>
\\ <div class="slot-0"><a href="">Sign in</a></div>
\\ <div class="slot-1"><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></div>
\\<div><h1>Built-in markdown support</h1>
\\<ul><li><a href=""></a></li></ul></div>
, output);
} else {
try std.testing.expect(false);
Templ - inspiration for template layout.