Zig bindings for the library clay: A high performance UI layout library in C.
Zig 0.14.0 or higher is required. (tested with zig 0.14.0-dev.3062+ff551374a)
This project is currently in beta.
This repository contains Zig bindings for the clay UI layout library, as well as an example implementation of the clay website in Zig.
This README is abbreviated and applies to using clay in Zig specifically: If you haven't taken a look at the full documentation for clay, it's recommended that you take a look there first to familiarise yourself with the general concepts.
Some differences between the C API and the Zig bindings include:
or .layout()
In C:
CLAY({ // C macro for creating a scope
.id = CLAY_ID("SideBar"),
.layout = {
.layoutDirection = CLAY_TOP_TO_BOTTOM,
.sizing = { .width = CLAY_SIZING_FIXED(300), .height = CLAY_SIZING_GROW(0) },
.padding = CLAY_PADDING_ALL(16),
.childAlignment = .{ .x = CLAY_ALIGN_X_CENTER , .y = .CLAY_ALIGN_Y_TOP },
.childGap = 16
.backgroundColor = COLOR_LIGHT
// Child elements here
In Zig:
clay.UI()(.{ // function call for creating a scope
.id = .ID("SideBar"),
.layout = .{
.direction = .top_to_bottom,
.sizing = .{ .w = .fixed(300), .h = .grow },
.padding = .all(16),
.child_alignment = .{ .x = .center, .y = .top },
.child_gap = 16,
.background_color = light_grey,
// Child elements here
to the dependency list in build.zig.zon
:zig fetch --save<commit sha>.tar.gz
const zclay_dep = b.dependency("zclay", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
compile_step.root_module.addImport("zclay", zclay_dep.module("zclay"));
const min_memory_size: u32 = clay.minMemorySize();
const memory = try allocator.alloc(u8, min_memory_size);
const arena: clay.Arena = clay.createArenaWithCapacityAndMemory(memory);
_ = clay.initialize(arena, .{ .h = 1000, .w = 1000 }, .{});
measureText(text, config)
function with clay.setMeasureTextFunction(function) so that clay can measure and wrap text.// Example measure text function
pub fn measureText(clay_text: []const u8, config: *clay.TextElementConfig, user_data: void) clay.Dimensions {
// clay.TextElementConfig contains members such as fontId, fontSize, letterSpacing etc
// Note: clay.String.chars is not guaranteed to be null terminated
// Tell clay how to measure text
clay.setMeasureTextFunction({}, measureText)
// Update internal pointer position for handling mouseover / click / touch events
.x = mouse_position_x,
.y = mouse_position_y,
}, is_left_mouse_button_down);
const light_grey: clay.Color = .{ 224, 215, 210, 255 };
const red: clay.Color = .{ 168, 66, 28, 255 };
const orange: clay.Color = .{ 225, 138, 50, 255 };
const white: clay.Color = .{ 250, 250, 255, 255 };
const sidebar_item_layout: clay.LayoutConfig = .{ .sizing = .{ .w = .grow, .h = .fixed(50) } };
// Re-useable components are just normal functions
fn sidebarItemComponent(index: u32) void {
.id = .IDI("SidebarBlob", index),
.layout = sidebar_item_layout,
.background_color = orange,
// An example function to begin the "root" of your layout tree
fn createLayout(profile_picture: *const rl.Texture2D) clay.ClayArray(clay.RenderCommand) {
.id = .ID("OuterContainer"),
.layout = .{ .direction = .left_to_right, .sizing = .grow, .padding = .all(16), .child_gap = 16 },
.background_color = white,
.id = .ID("SideBar"),
.layout = .{
.direction = .top_to_bottom,
.sizing = .{ .h = .grow, .w = .fixed(300) },
.padding = .all(16),
.child_alignment = .{ .x = .center, .y = .top },
.child_gap = 16,
.background_color = light_grey,
.id = .ID("ProfilePictureOuter"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .{ .w = .grow }, .padding = .all(16), .child_alignment = .{ .x = .left, .y = .center }, .child_gap = 16 },
.background_color = red,
.id = .ID("ProfilePicture"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .{ .h = .fixed(60), .w = .fixed(60) } },
.image = .{ .source_dimensions = .{ .h = 60, .w = 60 }, .image_data = @ptrCast(profile_picture) },
clay.text("Clay - UI Library", .{ .font_size = 24, .color = light_grey });
for (0..5) |i| sidebarItemComponent(@intCast(i));
.id = .ID("MainContent"),
.layout = .{ .sizing = .grow },
.background_color = light_grey,
return clay.endLayout();
pub fn clayRaylibRender(render_commands: *clay.ClayArray(clay.RenderCommand), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < render_commands.length) : (i += 1) {
const render_command = clay.renderCommandArrayGet(render_commands, @intCast(i));
const bounding_box = render_command.bounding_box;
switch (render_command.command_type) {
.none => {},
.text => {
Please see the full C documentation for clay for API details and the example folder in this repo. All public C functions and Macros have Zig binding equivalents, generally of the form Clay_BeginLayout
(C) -> clay.beginLayout