Generic tracing library for Zig, supports multiple backends.
Generic tracing library for Zig, supports multiple backends.
in your program:
const std = @import("std");
const tracer = @import("tracer");
pub const build_options = @import("build_options");
pub const tracer_impl = tracer.spall; // see 'Backends' section below
pub fn main() !void {
try tracer.init();
defer tracer.deinit();
// main loop
while (true) {
try tracer.init_thread();
defer tracer.deinit_thread();
fn handler() void {
const t = tracer.trace(@src());
defer t.end();
values are sometimes absolute paths so backends may use this value to trim it to only log relative paths
exe_options.addOption(usize, "src_file_trimlen", std.fs.path.dirname(std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file).?).?.len);
this is the default and causes tracing calls to become a no-op so that tracer
can be added to libraries transparentlylog
uses std.log
to print on function
writes a json file in the chrome://tracing
format described here and here.spall
writes a binary file compatible with the Spall profiler.Any custom backend may also be used that defines the following functions:
pub fn init() !void
pub fn deinit() void
pub fn init_thread(dir: std.fs.Dir) !void
pub fn deinit_thread() void
pub inline fn trace_begin(ctx: tracer.Ctx, comptime ifmt: []const u8, iargs: anytype) void
pub inline fn trace_end(ctx: tracer.Ctx) void