An implementation of the OpenMP directives for Zig
This wrapper implements (almost all) the OpenMP directives up-to version 3.1 and some newer stuff. All of this is (mostly, see below) without any allocation from the zig part.
This is implemented using the `libomp' library of LLVM. (Gomp support is not planned) Disclaimer This project is not affiliated with LLVM in any capacity.
const std = @import("std");
const omp = @import("omp");
fn main() void {
.run(.{}, struct {
fn f() void {
std.debug.print("Hello world {}!", .{omp.get_thread_num()});
zig fetch --save git+
// build.zig
const OpenMP_zig_dep = b.dependency("OpenMP-zig", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("omp", OpenMP_zig_dep.module("omp"));
#pragma omp parallel
All reductions
#pragma omp for
#pragma omp sections
#pragma omp single
#pragma omp master/masked
#pragma omp critical
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp atomic
#pragma omp simd
To see some other examples of the library check the tests folder.
fn test_omp_task_error() !bool {
// The ret reduction parameter tells the directive how it should reduce the return value
const result = omp.parallel(.{ .ret_reduction = .plus })
.run(.{}, struct {
// You can return whatever you want!
fn f() !usize {
const maybe = omp.single()
.run(.{}, struct {
// Only for tasks, you have to put the explicit error type in the promise,
// otherwise it won't be able to infer the type
fn f() *omp.promise(error{WompWomp}!usize) {
return omp.task(.{})
.run(.{}, struct {
// Same deal here
fn f() error{WompWomp}!usize {
return error.WompWomp;
if (maybe) |pro| {
defer pro.deinit();
return pro.get();
return 0;
}.f) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.WompWomp => std.debug.print("Caught an error :^(", .{});
std.debug.print("No errors here!". /{});
All of the directives can return values. To return something you may need to specify the ret_reduction
WARNING The promises that are returned from the
directive will be heap allocated. So make sure to deinit() them!
All of the directive can return error types.
WARNING Returning more than one type of error from a directive it's clearly a race condition!
The goal of this library is to provide at least OpenMP 4.5 to zig and be production ready, along with the mentioned extensions.