A Geometric Algebra library for Zig
Zilliam is a Geometric Algebra library that generates a SIMD optimized library for any given Cl(p,q,r) algebra. It can be used for:
For all these applications, Zilliam gives you access to useful functions such as the trigonometric functions, the exponential and also useful concepts such as the Poincare dual and wedge operations. It also provides a sort of operation overloading through a comath interface, which allows you to evaluate complex expressions more easily and without much compile time cost.
It currently has the following operations (syntax for the eval function):
It generates SIMD operations for any generic Clifford algebra for all these operations, and for any generic type as well:
const Alg = Algebra(i32, 2, 1, 1);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(
&(try Alg.eval("(14*e1) - (21*e2) - (7*e12) - 24", .{})).val,
&(try Alg.eval("(2*e1+3*e2+5*e12) * (11*e1+13*e2+17*e12)", .{})).val,
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(
&(try Alg.eval("109 + 654*e0 + 129*e1 + 127*e2 + 214*e12", .{})).val,
&(try Alg.eval("(23*e0+2*e1+3*e2+5*e12+7) | (31*e0+11*e1+13*e2+17*e12+19)", .{})).val,
As you can see, it also uses the amazing comath library to overload operations.
In the case where you know the grade of the multivectors you are working with (which is most practical cases), zilliam generates types for like k-vector plus the even subalgebra and dispatches among them.
const Alg = Algebra(f32, 3, 0, 1);
const Blades = getBlades(Alg);
const Types = Blades.Types;
const Vector = Types[1];
const Bivector = Types[2];
const Trivector = Types[3];
pub fn main() !void {
const BivectorBatch = Bivector.getBatchType(2);
const VectorBatch = Vector.getBatchType(2);
for (0..Bivector.Count) |a_i| {
for (0..Vector.Count) |b_i| {
var a = BivectorBatch{};
var b = VectorBatch{};
a.val[a_i] = .{ 1, 2 };
b.val[b_i] = .{ 1, 2 };
var buf: [2048]u8 = undefined;
// This is a Trivector, it gets properly dispatched
const res = a.wedge(b);
for (0..2) |i| {
const r_w = res.get(i);
var r_s = try a.get(i).print(&buf);
std.debug.print("{s} ^ ", .{r_s});
r_s = try b.get(i).print(&buf);
std.debug.print("{s} = ", .{r_s});
r_s = try r_w.print(&buf);
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{r_s});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
// ...
// 1.0000e13 ^ 1.0000e0 = 1.0000e013
// 2.0000e13 ^ 2.0000e0 = 4.0000e013
// ...
For more examples and a guide for using Zilliam on your project, check the wiki.