Zinc is a web framework written in pure Zig with a focus on high performance, usability, security, and extensibility.
Zinc is a framework written in pure Zig with a focus on high performance, usability, security, and extensibility.
:construction: It's still under development. Built on std.net. Not the fastest zig framework in the universe, but fast enough.
In the works:
A basic example:
const zinc = @import("zinc");
pub fn main() !void {
var z = try zinc.init(.{ .port = 8080 });
defer z.deinit();
var router = z.getRouter();
try router.get("/", helloWorld);
try z.run();
fn helloWorld(ctx: *zinc.Context) anyerror!void {
try ctx.text("Hello world!", .{});
See more at https://zinc.zon.dev/
Learn and practice with the Zinc Quick Start, which includes API examples and builds tag.
A number of examples demonstrating various use cases of Zinc in the zinc-examples repository.