A type definition language and type compiler that generates type definitions and validation functions for them in different languages.
A type definition language that outputs definitions and validation functions in different languages (eventually).
Active development of this project has continued in a different implementation:
The reason for this, initially, was that I wanted to re-implement this in Haskell and see how it'd turn out. The result was that adding things like "compile on modification" was a lot easier, so the primary repository for the compiler is now switched over.
If you don't need any of the above, this repo should be as good to use as it
was before. I do still recommend switching to gotyno-hs
, since it's a lot more
active. I may backport some/all of the above features, but I can't promise that
it'll be done soon or at all.
Elixir (partial support)
basic.gotyno has an example of some types being defined and basic.ts is the automatically generated TypeScript output from this file.
Behind the scenes it's using a validation library I wrote for validating
values (for the most part against given interface definitions).
basic.gotyno has an example of some types being defined and basic.fs is the automatically generated F# output from this file.
The F# version uses Thoth
for JSON decoding, as well as an additional
extension library to it for some custom decoding helpers that I wrote.
All supported type names are uppercase and type definitions currently are enforced as such as well.
signifies an optional type.*TypeName
signifies a pointer to that type. In languages where pointers are
hidden from the user this may not be visible in types generated for it.[]TypeName
signifies a sequence of several TypeName
with a length known at
run-time, whereas [N]TypeName
signifies a sequence of several TypeName
with a known and enforced length at compile-time. Some languages may or may
not have the latter concept and will use only the former for code generation.TypeName<OtherTypeName>
signifies an application of a generic type, such that
whatever type variable TypeName
takes in its definition is filled in with
in this specific instance.struct/union TypeName <T>{ ... }
is how one defines a type that
takes a type parameter. The <T>
part is seen here to take and provide a type
for the adjacent scope, hence its position in the syntax."SomeValue"
signifies a literal string of that value and can be
used very effectively in TypeScript.struct Recruiter {
name: String
struct Person {
name: String
age: U8
efficiency: F32
on_vacation: Boolean
hobbies: []String
last_fifteen_comments: [15]String
recruiter: ?Recruiter
spouse: Maybe<Person>
struct Generic <T>{
field: T
other_field: OtherType<T>
enum Colors {
red = "FF0000"
green = "00FF00"
blue = "0000FF"
union InteractionEvent {
Click: Coordinates
KeyPress: KeyCode
Focus: *Element
union Option <T>{
Some: T
union Result<E, T>{
Error: E
Ok: T
Sometimes a union that carries no extra tags is required, though usually these will have to be identified less automatically, perhaps via custom tags in their respective payload:
struct SomeType {
type: "SomeType"
some_field: F32
some_other_field: ?String
struct SomeOtherType {
type: "SomeOtherType"
active: Boolean
some_other_field: ?String
untagged union Possible {
In TypeScript, for example, the correct type guard and validator for this untagged union will be generated, and the literal string fields can still be used for identifying which type one has.
The above can also be accomplished by setting the tag key to be embedded in
options passed to the union
keyword (we can also set which key is used):
struct SomeType {
some_field: F32
some_other_field: ?String
struct SomeOtherType {
active: Boolean
some_other_field: ?String
union(tag = type_tag, embedded) Possible {
FirstConstructor: SomeType
SecondConstructor: SomeOtherType
This effectively will create a structure where we get the field type_tag
embedded in the payload structures (SomeType
& SomeOtherType
) with the
values "FirstConstructor"
and "SecondConstructor"
Note that in order to embed a type key we obviously need the payload (if present) to be a structure type, otherwise we have no fields to merge the type tag field into.
Both checks for existence of the referenced payload types and checks that they are structures are done during compilation.
Cross-compilation from Linux/Windows doesn't yet work for MacOS so sadly I have to recommend just downloading a current release of Zig and compiling via:
zig build -Drelease-fast
And running:
./zig-cache/bin/gotyno --verbose --typescript = --fsharp = inputFile.gotyno
# or
./zig-cache/bin/gotyno -v -ts = -fs = inputFile.gotyno
Optionally you can also specify a different output directory after
$ ./zig-cache/bin/gotyno --verbose --typescript other/directory/ts --fsharp other/directory/fs inputFile.gotyno
# or
$ ./zig-cache/bin/gotyno -v -ts other/directory/ts -fs other/directory/fs inputFile.gotyno
The output files for TypeScript/F# output will then be written in that directory, still with the same module names as the input file.