A zig binary serialization format.
A Zig binary serialization format and library.
Unsupported types:
only typesvolatile
unionsThis is a fork from ziglibs/s2s
which provides more features for real-world usage.
with sentinels.The library itself provides only some APIs, as most of the serialization process is not configurable.
/// Serializes the given `value: T` into the `stream`.
/// - `stream` is a instance of ``
/// - `T` is the type to serialize
/// - `value` is the instance to serialize.
fn serialize(stream: anytype, comptime T: type, value: T) StreamError!void;
/// Deserializes a value of type `T` from the `stream`.
/// - `stream` is a instance of ``
/// - `T` is the type to deserialize
fn deserialize(stream: anytype, comptime T: type) (StreamError || error{UnexpectedData,EndOfStream})!T;
/// Deserializes a value of type `T` from the `stream`.
/// - `stream` is a instance of ``
/// - `T` is the type to deserialize
/// - `allocator` is an allocator require to allocate slices and pointers.
/// Result must be freed by using `free()`.
fn deserializeAlloc(stream: anytype, comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) (StreamError || error{ UnexpectedData, OutOfMemory,EndOfStream })!T;
/// Releases all memory allocated by `deserializeAlloc`.
/// - `allocator` is the allocator passed to `deserializeAlloc`.
/// - `T` is the type that was passed to `deserializeAlloc`.
/// - `value` is the value that was returned by `deserializeAlloc`.
fn free(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime T: type, value: T) void;
The current latest version is 0.3.0 for zig 0.13.0.
[user@host s2s]$ zig fetch --save git+
In build.zig
// Add s2s dependency.
const s2s = b.dependency("s2s", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("s2s", s2s.module("s2s"));
Most of the serialization/deserialization is implemented for the trivial case.
Pointers/slices with non-standard alignment aren't properly supported yet.