NaN boxing in Zig
This library provides a 64-bit dynamic box type that you can use for dynamically typed interpreters, that provides a number of types:
The project is complete and tested, but hasn't seen strong use yet. Your help could make it production ready.
const maybe: ?bool = true; // Is this real life?
var box = Dyn64.from(@as(u32, 42)); // Box an integer
box = Dyn64.from(maybe); // Now it's a boolean
if (box.isNull()) unreachable; // Check if it's null
const truth: bool = box.isTrue(); // Take it back out
The project also contains fairly exhaustive tests that you can check for more examples.
Note: Strings won't automatically get coerced into boxed strings using from
, you should instead use fromString
, since it avoids having to guess at intent.
Add this to your build.zig.zon (you can also use a tag URL instead).
.dependencies = .{
.nan_boxing = .{
.url = "",
//the correct hash will be suggested by zig
And add this to you build.zig.
const nan_boxing = b.dependency("nan_boxing", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("nan-boxing", nan_boxing.module("nan-boxing"));
You can then import the library into your code like this
const Dyn64 = @import("nan-boxing").Dyn64;
A comprehensive suite of tests is provided.
zig build test --summary all
I would love to get usage and bug reports if people use this, so I can gauge the production readiness.
PR's are welcome, but I'd like to keep the scope fairly narrow, so new features might get rejected for expanding the scope too much. Feel free to discuss first!
Q: Will you add 32bit dynamic boxes?
If I do, they probably wouldn't be NaN boxes, but instead tagged pointers, and that might not fit the scope of this project. I would likely instead make a separate library with 32bit and 64bit tagged pointers.