Yet another date and time library for Zig
Yet another date and time library for Zig.
Docs can be generated using zig build docs
. It'll be hosted on Github Pages at some point.
const std = @import("std");
const epoch = @import("epoch");
const Date = epoch.Date;
const Timezone = epoch.Timezone;
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
// Fetch the timezone on Linux using the `date` CLI.
const timezone = try Timezone.fetch(allocator);
defer timezone.deinit();
const offset_str = try timezone.allocPrint(allocator);
std.debug.print("The timezone is: {s} {s}\n", .{, offset_str });
// The timezone is: SGT +08:00
// Create a date in a specific timezone (or to default to UTC)
const now =;
// Render in various formats
const locale_str = try now.allocPrintLocale(allocator);
std.debug.print("allocPrintLocale: {s}\n", .{locale_str});
// allocPrintLocale: 7/18/2024, 8:48:23 PM
const java_str = try now.allocPrintJava(allocator);
std.debug.print("allocPrintJava: {s}\n", .{java_str});
// allocPrintJava: Thu Jul 18 08:48:23 PM SGT 2024
const iso8601_str = try now.allocPrintISO8601(allocator);
std.debug.print("allocPrintISO8601: {s}\n", .{iso8601_str});
// allocPrintISO8601: 2024-07-18T20:48:23.828+08:00
// Convert into a UNIX timestamp
std.debug.print("The UNIX timestamp is: {d}\n", .{now.toTimestamp()});
// The UNIX timestamp is: 1721306903828
// Convert from a UNIX timestamp, optionally with a target timezone.
const epoch = Date.fromTimestamp(0, Timezone.GMT);
// Print using the buffer or writer API
var epoch_buffer: [80]u8 = undefined;
std.debug.print("The epoch date is: {s}\n", .{try epoch.bufPrintISO8601(&epoch_buffer)});
// The epoch date is: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z