BK-Tree for Zig.
Implementing a Brukhard Keller tree data structure that allows for querying of "close" matches on discrete distances.
: int type and unicode bytes.LevenshteinDistance
: unicode bytes.const std = @import("std");
const bktree = @import("bktree");
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
var tree = bktree.BkTree([]const u8, bktree.LevenshteinDistance([]const u8)).init(allocator);
defer tree.deinit();
// word list
const words = &[_][]const u8{
// insert to the BK-Tree
try tree.insertSlice(words);
// A list of words with two edit distances from "inInvald".
var it = try tree.find("inInvald", 2);
std.debug.print("Found misspell word '{s}'.\n", .{"inInvald"});
// iterate results
while (try it.next()) |match| {
// match[0] is the pointer of value.
// match[1] is the edit distances
std.debug.print("Did you mean '{s}'?\n", .{match[0].*});