A generic directed graph structure for Zig with edge weight and node values.
A generic directed graph structure for Zig. It is intended for in-memory dynamic usage and supports O(1) node insertions, edge insertions, and edge removal; node removal is O(|E|) where |E| is the number of edges from and to the node being removed. In addition graph reversal is O(|V|), where |V| is the number of vertices of the graph.
The main interface is provided as:
AutoDirectedGraph(N: type, V: type, W: type).init(allocator)
where N
, V
, and W
are the node, node value, and edge value types, respectively. N
has to be automatically hashable (see below otherwise), for graphs of strings we have:
StringDirectedGraph(N: type, V: type, W: type).init(allocator)
If more control is required, then just as Zig's standard library, one can provide a HashContext
(see Zig's HashMap
DirectedGraph(N: type, V: type, W: type, HashContext: type, comptime store_hash: bool).init(allocator)
This structure uses the terminology targets and sources for the respective two types of neighbors of a node. A slice of all targets can be obtained
using digraph.targets(node)
and similarly digraph.sources(node)
Graph traversal is provided through iterators.
var dfs = try digraph.dfsIterator(.{.start = start});
var bfs = try digraph.bfsIterator(.{.start = start});
One can also specify the traversal direction as .targetwards
or .sourcewards
defaulting to .targetwards
. As well as an allocator used for the
underlying stack/queue and set used by the iterators, otherwise the graph's allocator is used.
The following obtains a BFS iterator that traverses from start
in reverse allocating seen nodes and queueing future ones using a custom allocator.
var bfs = try digraph.bfsIterator(.{.start = start, .direction = .sourcewards, .allocator = allocator});
Dijkstra's algorithm is encoded as an iterator that returns an entry of the next nearest node and its distance to the starting node.
A distance type has to be provided and must be able to contain the edge weight type W
if it either an integer or floating point number type.
If W
is not an arithmetic type, then each edge is assumed to have weight 1
digraph.dijkstraIterator(Distance: type, options)
The following code prints all nodes of distance equal to 1337 to the starting node.
var dijkstra = digraph.dijkstraIterator(u64, .{.start = start});
while (try |entry| {
if (entry.distance == 1337) std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{entry.node});
if (entry.distance > 1337) break;
An experimental iterator using a heuristic function. See the source for details.