Command-line tool and Zig library for port scanning.
Command-line tool and Zig library for port scanning.
Get the source code cloning the repo or downloading it from the Releases page.
Then build it with zig build
Fetch the package.
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/henriquencmt/portzcan
Update your build.zig.
const portzcan = b.dependency("portzcan", .{});
const portzcan_lib = b.addModule("lib", .{ .root_source_file = portzcan.path("lib/portzcan.zig") });
const exe = b.addExecutable(...);
exe.root_module.addImport("portzcan", portzcan_lib);
portzcan [-s] TARGET [PORTS]
portzcan your-target.com 80,443,22
const std = @import("std");
const portzcan = @import("portzcan");
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
const addr_list = try std.net.getAddressList(allocator, "your-target.com", 0);
var addr = addr_list.addrs[0];
const ports = [_]u16{ 80, 8080, 22, 443 };
const scanner = portzcan.TcpConnectScanner.init(allocator, &addr, null);
try scanner.scan(&ports);
Go to the library API reference for further documentation.
Contributions of any kind are welcome.