asio (standalone) event-loop to C API - Experimental (uses zig 0.12.0)
The wrapper provides functions for initializing the ASIO library, running it, stopping it, and posting tasks to be executed asynchronously within the event-loop. It handles the necessary conversions and memory management required to interface with ASIO from C or Zig code. Additionally, it utilizes ASIO's thread pool (asio::static_thread_pool
) for multithreading support, allowing tasks to be executed concurrently on multiple threads.
# Zig binding test (only)
$> zig build test
# Build all C examples
$> zig build -Doptimize={option} # to debug no need `-Doptimize` flag
Note: {option} == Debug (default) | ReleaseSafe | ReleaseFast | ReleaseSmall