Zig INI library made for fun and stability.
An INI parser library written in Zig, for Zig. Optimizations and benchmarks shall be provided soon. Converts INI into AST format, supports sections, section breaks, and simple assignments and values. Comes with a eco-efficient, thread and memory safe program "inivisitor", toview the trees and values generated by the INI5 library.
program, and run it against samples/overtly_corrupted_file.ini
. Not even the
standing man codepoint can penetrate INI5. All of the memory is still reachable even when an error
occurs. INI5 has full access to all of its memory at any time.var c_alloc = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.c_allocator);
defer c_alloc.deinit();
const arena = c_alloc.allocator();
const sections = parseFile(arena, "hello.ini") catch |err| {
std.log.err("Failed to read file: '{s}'", .{args[1]});
std.log.err("({any})", .{err});
var section_list = sections.iterator();
while (section_list.next()) |item| {
visit(item.key_ptr.*, item.value_ptr.*, 0);
fn visit(name: []const u8, section: INISection, indent: usize) {
for (0..indent) |_| {
std.log.info(" ", .{});
std.log.info("section {s}", .{name});
var iterator = section.variables.iterator();
while (iterator.next()) |assignment| {
std.log.info(" | assignment {s}", .{assignment.key_ptr.*});
std.log.info(" | value type {any}", .{assignment.value_ptr.*});