A generic system for entities with handle behavior.
Generic system of entities written in zig. Without ABA problems, using generational index in order to access the associated data. The code is clear and simple to understand.
usingnamespace @import("entities");
pub fn main () void {
var entities = Entities(f32).init(default_allocator);
const handle_1 = try entities.append(1.5);
const handle_2 = try entities.append(2.5);
const handle_3 = try entities.append(3.5);
// You could hardcode specific handle id.
const handle_4 = try entities.append_hard(4.5, 55);
// Getting the inner data by using associated handle.
print("{}\n", .{entities.get(handle_2)});
// Removes data using bucket pooling.
// Iterator over all active handles.
var it = entities.interate();
while(it.next()) |datum| {
print("datum: {}\n", .{datum.*});