a convenient util to use tmp files with zig
So far as I found there is no good lib in zig
for creating temp files, so I write one for myself. This util file provides methods to create temp dir or temp file in system temp folder less tedious and manageable.
see code for example
var tmp_file = try ThisModule.tmpFile(.{});
defer tmp_file.deinit(); // file will be deleted when deinit
try tmp_file.f.writeAll("hello, world!");
try tmp_file.f.seekTo(0);
var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
var read_count = try tmp_file.f.readAll(&buf);
try testing.expectEqual(read_count, "hello, world!".len);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, buf[0..read_count], "hello, world!");
or complexer
var tmp_dir = try ThisModule.tmpDirOwned(.{});
defer {
var tmp_file = try ThisModule.tmpFile(.{ .tmp_dir = tmp_dir });
defer tmp_file.deinit();
try tmp_file.f.writeAll("hello, world!");
try tmp_file.f.seekTo(0);
var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
var read_count = try tmp_file.f.readAll(&buf);
try testing.expectEqual(read_count, "hello, world!".len);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, buf[0..read_count], "hello, world!");
var tmp_file2 = try ThisModule.tmpFile(.{ .tmp_dir = tmp_dir });
defer tmp_file2.deinit();
try tmp_file2.f.writeAll("hello, world!2");
try tmp_file2.f.seekTo(0);
read_count = try tmp_file2.f.readAll(&buf);
try testing.expectEqual(read_count, "hello, world!2".len);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, buf[0..read_count], "hello, world!2");
use zig packager
zig fetch --save
(or lock on any commit as)
zig fetch --save zig fetch<commit hash>.tar.gz
this lib is also provided for build.zig
, use like
// in build.zig
const tmpfile = @import("tmpfile").tmpfile;