Moeban JSON Data Base
The Moeban project is a JSON database system designed to store and manipulate data in JSON format.
Defines a structure representing the JSON database. Includes methods to initialize the database, check if it exists, create it, read its content, and perform write and deletion operations.
: Schema of the database, representing the structure of the stored data.T
: Type of individual elements in the database.init
: Initializes the database with a name, default data, and an allocator.existsDataBase
: Checks if the database already exists.createDataBase
: Creates the database with default data.readDataBase
: Reads the content of the database.parser
: Parses the database content and converts it into an easy-to-use structure.compareById
: Compares two elements by their ID.findById
: Finds an element by its ID in a specific field.write
: Writes an element in a specific field.writeMany
: Writes multiple elements in a specific field.deleteOne
: Deletes an element by its ID in a specific field.deleteMany
: Deletes elements based on a specified condition.main
The main function that runs the program. Performs various test operations on the database, including writing, finding, deleting, and writing multiple users.
This file contains an example of how to use the Moeban database, showing how basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations can be performed.
to handle dynamic memory allocations.const User = struct { id: u64, name: []const u8, age: u64 };
const Schema = struct { items: []User }; // Define your schema
const default_data = \{ "items": [] }\; // Default data in JSON format
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const moeban = try Moeban(Schema, User).init("test.json", default_data, allocator);
try moeban.write("items", .{ .id = 1, .name = "John Doe", .age = 30 });
const user = try moeban.findById("items", 1);
defer allocator.free(user.data);
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{user.item});
try moeban.deleteOne("items", 1);
var users = std.ArrayList(User).init(allocator);
defer users.deinit();
// Add users to the array...
try moeban.writeMany("others", users.items);
try moeban.deleteMany("others", "age", .{ .Number = 22 }); // or String = "22"
Make sure Zig is installed and your development environment is correctly set up.
This project uses the general-purpose memory manager GeneralPurposeAllocator
to handle dynamic memory allocations.
you can also use other memory allocators such as, areana_allocator
, page_allocator
, etc....