Conway's Game of Life using the Zig programming language and the Raylib library for graphics.
This is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life using the Zig programming language and the Raylib library for graphics.
Pause the simulation (with key)
Save/Load grid from file
Zoom in and out
Configurable speed
Multiple grids
Load/Save configuration using a json file
Improve debug logging and errors
Custom patterns
(UI) Improved user interface for better usability and aesthetics
(UI) add a toast notification system to show errors and useful info
Performance optimization for handling larger grids and more complex operations
Advanced features for managing multiple grids simultaneously
Action | Binding |
Pause Simulation | <SPACE> |
Purge Life | <K> |
Toggle Edit Mode | <E> |
Zoom In | <=> or <WHEEL> |
Zoom Out | <-> or <WHEEL> |
Move Cam Around | <MOUSE RIGHT> |
Toggle Cell State (Edit Mode) | <MOUSE LEFT> |
Before you start, make sure you have the required dependencies for raylib installed. Refer to the official raylib - build and installation guide for instructions on setting up the necessary environment.
git clone
cd ./zell-life
zig build run