A drop-in replacement for s3tools/s3cmd written in Ziglang for better performance and bootstrappability.
A drop-in replacement for written in Ziglang for better performance and bootstrappability.
Command line tool for querying and managing Amazon S3 services.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) provides a managed internet-accessible storage service where anyone can store any amount of data and retrieve it later again.
S3 is a paid service operated by Amazon. Before storing anything into S3 you must sign up for an "AWS" account (where AWS = Amazon Web Services) to obtain a pair of identifiers: Access Key and Secret Key. You will need to give these keys to S3cmd. Think of them as if they were a username and password for your S3 account.
and zigmod.lock
s3cmd mb
s3cmd rb
s3cmd ls
s3cmd la
s3cmd put
s3cmd get
s3cmd del
s3cmd rm
s3cmd restore
s3cmd sync
s3cmd du
s3cmd info
s3cmd cp
s3cmd modify
s3cmd mv
s3cmd setacl
s3cmd setpolicy
s3cmd delpolicy
s3cmd setcors
s3cmd delcors
s3cmd payer
s3cmd multipart
s3cmd abortmp
s3cmd listmp
s3cmd accesslog
s3cmd sign
s3cmd signurl
s3cmd fixbucket
s3cmd ws-create
s3cmd ws-delete
s3cmd ws-info
s3cmd expire
s3cmd setlifecycle
s3cmd getlifecycle
s3cmd dellifecycle