Count-min sketch data structures, in Zig
An implementation of the count-min sketch data structures.
An Estimator
can be used to count the occurrences of different keys:
const testing = @import("std").testing;
test {
var est = Estimator.init();
try testing.expect(est.increment("foo", 1) == 1);
try testing.expect(est.incrementBy("bar", 17) == 17);
try testing.expect(est.get("foo") == 1);
try testing.expect(est.get("bar") == 17);
A Rate
can be used to count the estimated occurrences of keys within a given
time interval.
const testing = @import("std").testing;
test {
// Initialize a new Rate, with the given time interval in milliseconds.
// Here, we are using a 1h interval.
var rate = Rate.init(3600000);
// You can observe the number of events for a given key.
try testing.expect(rate.observe("foo", 70) == 70);
try testing.expect(rate.observe("foo", 70) == 140);
// ...after an hour, the time window for the observed events will
// have elapsed, and the number of observations would be reset.
try testing.expect(rate.get("foo") == 0);
The code in this package was ported from/inspired by ryanfowler/limits.