Minecraft bot for 1.21.3. Written in zig
Linux only because of epoll() usage, can easily be changed
# Install zig version 0.13.0
# make sure you have the following libraries installed system-wide:
# libepoxy
# sdl2
# freetype
# Setup a 1.21.3 Minecraft server and ensure the following is set in server.properties:
# online-mode=false
git clone https://github.com/nmalthouse/mcbot.git
cd mcbot
git submodule update --init --recursive
zig build run
The file bot_config.lua sets port, ip, and bots that will be added.
A picture of the debug renderer and astar pathfinding nodes.
fn main
reads bot_config.lua
Establishes connections with Minecraft server for all bots specified.
Sets up epoll() to monitor all the tcp file descriptors.
Spawns the updateBots() thread.
Respond to epoll events, parsing Minecraft packets and updating our version of the Minecraft state.
This thread sends some packets back to the server, (keepalive, respawn, confirm teleport request).
Optionally spawn the draw() thread.
fn updateBots()
Spawns a thread for each bot. Currently this is a thread that opens a Lua file and calls the Lua function loop().
Runs a 20 tick per second game loop.
Each Lua thread has an associated ActionList and mutex.
While updateBots processes the action list the Lua thread blocks.
once the actionlist is exhausted for a given bot, updateBots allows that bot to continue its script.
see astar.zig PlayerActionItem for a list of actions.
fn draw()
Renders a basic view of the Minecraft world. Can show entities, inventory, pathfinding nodes.
Useful for debugging pathfinder as you can see what weights need to be adjusted
launch with zig build run -- draw