Cryptographic algorithms in Zig
Cryptographic algorithms in Zig.
A Verifiable Random Function (VRF) RFC9381 can be seen as a public-key version of a cryptographic hash function with the following properties:
A key application of the VRF is to provide privacy against offline dictionary attacks on data stored in a hash-based data structure.
VRFs can be used as verifiable random numbers with the following properties:
A VRF comes with a key generation algorithm that generates a VRF key-pair.
const crypto = @import("crypto");
const vrf = crypto.EcvrfP256Sha256Tai;
const kp = try vrf.KeyPair.generate();
The Prover uses the secret key to construct a proof pi that beta is the correct hash output.
const alpha = "test";
const pi = try kp.prove(alpha, null);
The VRF hash output beta can be directly obtained from the proof value pi.
const beta = try vrf.proofToHash(pi);
The proof pi allows a Verifier holding the public key to verify that beta is the correct VRF hash of input alpha under the given private key.
This requires that the Prover and the Verifier exchange public keys beforehand.
Then, the Prover submits alpha, beta, and pi to the Verifier.
The Verifier can verify the correctness by calling verify
On success, verify will return beta.
// For demonstration purposes we (the Prover) also call verify.
const beta2 = try kp.public_key.verify(alpha, pi, null);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, beta[0..], beta2[0..])) {
// handle error...
Proofs Provide No Secrecy for the VRF Input
The VRF proof pi is not designed to provide secrecy and, in general, may reveal the VRF input alpha. Anyone who knows the public-key and pi is able to perform an offline dictionary attack to search for alpha, by verifying guesses for alpha using VRF_verify. This is in contrast to the VRF hash output beta, which, without the proof, is pseudorandom and thus is designed to reveal no information about alpha.
Note: the key exchange, as well as the submission of alpha, beta and pi are out of scope.