msgpack encoding and decoding in zig |[Zig]
msgpack-zig provides a simple API for encoding and decoding msgpack data. The
API is designed to similar to std.json
. Msgpack inherently requires less
allocation than JSON so the return values are slightly different.
IMPORTANT msgpack-zig uses zig 0.13.0
NOTE Refer to the documentation for additional usage.
There are two main functions provided by msgpack-zig:
/// Pack a given type as a msgpack Value
pub fn pack(comptime T: type, writer: anyerror!void {}
/// Unpack the next msgpack Value from reader as type T
pub fn unpack(comptime T: type, reader: anyerror!void {}
For packing, any type which has a function signature msgpackPack(self: T, writer: anyerror!void
will use this function has for packing.
Otherwise it will be packed using the defaults.
Likewise, unpacking types can implement msgpackUnpack(writer: anyerror!T
to unpack from a stream, or msgpackUnpackFromValue(value: msgpack.Value) anyerror!T
to unpack from a msgpack.Value.
msgpack values are stored internally as a tagged union. Note that we impose a limitation on maps: the keys must be strings, similar to JSON (the msgpack specification allows for any msgpack type to be a key).
pub const Value = union(enum) {
i64: i64,
u64: u64,
f64: f64,
nil: void,
bool: bool,
str: []const u8,
bin: []const u8,
array: []Value,
map: std.StringHashMap(Value),
ext: struct {
id: i8,
data: []const u8,
Automatic unpacking of map
to structs