Experimental, polyglot, work-in-progress stack VM implementations around native cooperative multitasking and CSP channels to communicate and syncrhonize between tasks.
Experimental, polyglot, work-in-progeess stack VM implementations around native cooperative multitasking and CSP channels to communicate and syncrhonize between tasks.
Multiple (very incomplete) versions/experiments are in:
Source - most recent developments...
# currently requires Zig v0.12.x
# run tests/example
zig build test
# [default] (info): task size 240
# [default] (info): tasklist: dual-list.FixedBufferDualList(14,u8){ .active = 0, .available = 1, .slots = { 255, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 255 } }
# [default] (debug): task: 0
# [default] (debug): ip: 1000 op: vm.Op.push16 ds: { } rs: { }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1003 op: ds: { 16, 32 } rs: { }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1009 op: vm.Op.push ds: { 16, 32 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (debug): ip: 100b op: vm.Op.jump ds: { 16, 32, 48 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1010 op: vm.Op.push ds: { 16, 32, 48 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1012 op: vm.Op.trap ds: { 16, 32, 48, 64 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (info): trap task 16 #85
# [default] (debug): ip: 1014 op: vm.Op.add16 ds: { 16, 32, 48, 64 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1015 op: vm.Op.ret ds: { 64, 96 } rs: { 6, 16 }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1006 op: vm.Op.push ds: { 64, 96 } rs: { }
# [default] (debug): ip: 1008 op: vm.Op.halt ds: { 64, 96, 80 } rs: { }
# [default] (debug): task 0 halted
# [default] (info): ds: { 64, 96, 80 } rs: { }
# build optimized WASM binary & WAT disassembly
Source - VM implementation in handwritten WASM
Source - Initial implementation & tests
yarn install
yarn test
© 2022 - 2024 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0