Build the most basic zig package.
const std = @import("std");
const hello = @import("hello_world");
test "Hello, World!" {
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hello, World!", hello.hello_world());
Use zig fetch
to add this library to build.zig.zon
$zig fetch --save https://github.com/zon-dev/hello-world/archive/refs/tags/0.0.1.tar.gz
And add this to you build.zig.zon
// This is an example of how to add a dependency on another target.
const hello_world = b.dependency("hello_world", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("hello_world", hello_world.module("hello_world"));
You can then import the library into your code and use it like below.
const std = @import("std");
const hello_world = @import("hello_world");
pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.print("{?s}\n", .{hello_world.hello_world()});