Small library to pretty-print Zig structs (and arrays)
Small library to pretty-print Zig structs (and arrays)
zigStructPrint is licensed under under the MIT License and available from https://github.com/Durobot/zigStructPrint
Please note that only Zig 0.14.0-dev.1421+f87dd43c1 (give or take) and up is supported because of this breaking change in the Zig standard library. If you need zigStructPrint for an earlier version of Zig, get this version instead.
To use, either drop zsp.zig into your project, or, if you prefer Zig package manager:
In build.zig.zon
, in .dependencies
, add
.zigStructPrint =
.url = "https://github.com/Durobot/zigStructPrint/archive/<COMMIT HASH, 40 HEX DIGITS>.tar.gz",
.hash = "<ZIG PACKAGE HASH, 68 HEX DIGITS>" // Use arbitrary hash, get correct hash from the error
In build.zig
, in pub fn build
, before b.installArtifact(exe);
, add
const zsp = b.dependency("zigStructPrint",
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("zigStructPrint", zsp.module("zigStructPrint"));
Build with zig build
, as you normally do.
Actually printing out your struct:
const zsp = @import("zigStructPrint");
. . .
const MyStruct = struct
a: i8 = -10,
b: u32 = 10,
c: [3]u8 = [_]u8 { 1, 2, 3 },
d: [2]Nested = .{ .{ .f = 10.0, .g = "Hello" }, .{ .f = -20.0, .g = "Bye" }, },
e: [3]Color = .{ .red, .green, .yellow },
const Nested = struct { f: f32, g: []const u8 };
const Color = enum { red, yellow, green };
const ms = MyStruct {};
zsp.printStruct(ms, true, 0); // try `false` to get full type names
And the output is:
a: i8 = -10
b: u32 = 10
c: [3]u8 = [ 1, 2, 3, ]
d: [2]Nested = [ { f: f32 = 10, g: []const u8 = "Hello", }, { f: f32 = -20, g: []const u8 = "Bye", }, ]
e: [3]Color = [ red, green, yellow, ]