A Toml Parser written in zig
A TOML parser written in zig that targets v1.0 specs of TOML.
✅ 0.13.0
toml-test is a language-agnostic test suite to verify the correctness of TOML parsers and writers.
Currently for the parser only 2 tests(invalid set) are failing and 413 are passing.
const std = @import("std");
const toml = @import("tomlz");
const io = std.io;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer std.debug.assert(gpa_allocator.deinit() == .ok);
const allocator = gpa_allocator.allocator();
// the toml parser takes an allocator and uses it internally
for all allocations.
var p = toml.Parser.init(gpa_allocator.allocator());
// when done deinit the parser to free all allocated resources.
defer p.deinit();
const toml_input =
\\message = "Hello, World!"
// the TOML parser accepts a io.StreamSource as an input source.
// the StreamSource should live as long as the parser.
var toml_stream = io.StreamSource{
.const_buffer = io.FixedBufferStream([]const u8){
.buffer = src,
.pos = 0,
// use parse to start parsing the input source.
var parsed = p.parse(&toml_stream) catch {
std.log.err("The stream isn't a valid TOML document, {}\n",.{err});
// handle error.
// parsed is of type toml.TomlTable which is an alias to
// std.StringHashMap(TomlValue).
// toml.TomlValue type is a union with the following fields:
// pub const TomlValue = union(TomlType) {
// Boolean: bool,
// Integer: i64,
// Float: f64,
// String: []const u8,
// Array: []TomlValue,
// Table: TomlTable,
// TablesArray: []TomlTable,
// DateTime: DateTime,
// };
// aside from DateTime all other types are standard zig types.
// all data returned by the parser is owned by the parser and
// will be freed once deinit is called or if parse() is called again,
// consider cloning anything you need to outlive the parser.
var iter = parsed.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |pair| {
// the key is of type []const u8.
std.debug.print("\n{s} => ", .{pair.key_ptr.*});
switch (pair.value_ptr.*) {
// ... do whatever
The build.zig file contains various options that can be used to customize the behaviour of the parser when building, check it out for more details.