OS-native file dialogs on Linux, macOS and Windows
is a Zig binding to the library nativefiledialog which provides a convenient cross-platform interface to opening file dialogs on Linux, macOS and Windows.
This library has been tested on Windows 10, macOS 11.1 and Linux.
You can run a demo with zig build run
. The demo's source is in src/demo.zig
If you want to add the library to your own project...
dependency to your build.zig.zon
.dependencies = .{
.nfd = .{ .path = "libs/nfd-zig" }, // Assuming nfd-zig is available in the local directory. Use .url otherwise.
:const nfd = b.dependency("nfd", .{});
const nfd_mod = nfd.module("nfd");
exe.root_module.addImport("nfd", nfd_mod);