A zero-dependency Google Protocol Buffers implementation in pure Zig. Single allocation encode and lazy decode
A zero-dependency Google Protocol Buffers implementation in pure Zig (no protoc required)
Single command setup:
zig fetch --save https://github.com/octopus-foundation/gremlin.zig/archive/refs/tags/0.0.0.tar.gz
This command will:
In your build.zig
const std = @import("std");
const ProtoGenStep = @import("gremlin").ProtoGenStep;
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
// Get the parser dependency
const gremlin_dep = b.dependency("gremlin", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// Generate Zig code from .proto files
// This will process all .proto files in the proto/ directory
// and output generated Zig code to src/gen/
const protobuf = ProtoGenStep.create(
.proto_sources = b.path("proto"), // Directory containing .proto files
.target = b.path("src/gen"), // Output directory for generated Zig code
// Create binary
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "example",
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// Add the parser module
exe.root_module.addImport("gremlin", gremlin_dep);
See the complete working example in the example
Given a protobuf definition:
syntax = "proto3";
message User {
string name = 1;
uint64 id = 2;
repeated string tags = 10;
Gremlin will generate equivalent Zig code (see example.proto.zig):
const std = @import("std");
const gremlin = @import("gremlin");
// Wire numbers for fields
const UserWire = struct {
const NAME_WIRE: gremlin.ProtoWireNumber = 1;
const ID_WIRE: gremlin.ProtoWireNumber = 2;
const TAGS_WIRE: gremlin.ProtoWireNumber = 10;
// Message struct
pub const User = struct {
name: ?[]const u8 = null,
id: u64 = 0,
tags: ?[]const ?[]const u8 = null,
// Calculate size for allocation
pub fn calcProtobufSize(self: *const User) usize { ... }
// Encode to new buffer
pub fn encode(self: *const User, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) gremlin.Error![]const u8 { ... }
// Encode to existing buffer
pub fn encodeTo(self: *const User, target: *gremlin.Writer) void { ... }
// Reader for lazy parsing
pub const UserReader = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
buf: gremlin.Reader,
_name: ?[]const u8 = null,
_id: u64 = 0,
_tags: ?std.ArrayList([]const u8) = null,
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, src: []const u8) gremlin.Error!UserReader { ... }
pub fn deinit(self: *const UserReader) void { ... }
// Accessor methods
pub inline fn getName(self: *const UserReader) []const u8 { ... }
pub inline fn getId(self: *const UserReader) u64 { ... }
pub fn getTags(self: *const UserReader) []const []const u8 { ... }