An event loop in Zig using io_uring and coroutines
is an event loop that wraps the IO_Uring
library with coroutines
support. It supports all IO_Uring
operations (with the intentional exception
of poll_update
In addition, it allows:
It is currently functionally complete, though there are a few TODO
s marked in
the source related to polishing the API. It's not used in production anywhere currently.
See src/async_io_uring.zig
for full API documentation.
See the examples
directory for an echo client and server that use the event loop.
* If you need this for some reason, please create an issue.
:warning: The
branch ofasync_io_uring
will follow changes to zig'smaster
branch to stay up-to-date with changes to theIO_Uring
API (among others). See the tagged releases ofasync_io_uring
that are marked to work with specific stable versions of zig. (E.g., release v0.1.0 works with zig 0.9.1)
As an overview for the unfamiliar, io_uring
is a new-ish Linux kernel feature
that allows users to enqueue requests to perform syscalls into a submission
queue (e.g. a request to read from a socket) and then submit the submission
queue to the kernel for processing.
When requests from the submission queue have been satisfied, the result is placed onto completion queue by the kernel. The user is able to either poll the kernel for completion queue results or block until results are available.
Zig's IO_Uring
library provides a convenient interface to the kernel's
functionality. The user of IO_Uring
, however, still has to manually
deal with submitting requests to the kernel and retrieving events from the
completion queue, which can be tedious.
This library wraps the IO_Uring
library by adding an event loop that handles
request submission and completion, and provides an interface for each syscall
that uses zig's async
functionality to suspend execution of the calling code
until the syscall has been completed. This lets the user write code that looks
like blocking code, while still allowing for concurrency even within a single
library in the most lightweight way
possible. This means it still uses the IO_Uring
data structures in many
places, like for completion queue entries. There are no additional internal
data structures other than the submission queue and completion queue used by
the IO_Uring
library. This means there's no heap allocation. It also relies
entirely on kernel functionality for timeouts and cancellation.IO_Uring
.This library integrates with the zigmod
package manager. If you've installed zigmod
, you can add a line like the
following to your root_dependencies
in the zig.mod
file of your project
and run zigmod fetch
- ...
- src: git
You'll then be able to include async_io_uring.zig
by doing something like:
const io = @import("async_io_uring");
The examples directory is structured roughly as you might structure a project
that uses async_io_uring
, with a working zig.mod
file and build.zig
can serve as examples.
You'll also need a Linux kernel version that supports all of the io_uring
features you'd like to use. (All testing was done on version 5.13.0.)
Jumping right into a realistic example, the following is a snippet of code from
the echo client in the examples
const io = @import("async_io_uring");
pub fn run_client(ring: *AsyncIOUring) !void {
// Make a data structure that lets us do async file I/O with the same
// syntax as `std.debug.print`.
var writer = try AsyncWriter.init(ring,;
// Address of the echo server.
const address = try net.Address.parseIp4("", 3131);
// Open a socket for connecting to the server.
const server = try os.socket(, os.SOCK.STREAM | os.SOCK.CLOEXEC, 0);
defer {
_ = ring.close(server, null, null) catch {
// Connect to the server.
_ = try ring.connect(server, &address.any, address.getOsSockLen(), null, null);
const stdin_file =;
const stdin_fd = stdin_file.handle;
var input_buffer: [256]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
// Prompt the user for input.
try writer.print("Input: ", .{});
const read_timeout = os.linux.kernel_timespec{ .tv_sec = 10, .tv_nsec = 0 };
// Read a line from stdin with a 10 second timeout.
// This is the more verbose API - you can also do ``.
const read_cqe =
io.Read{ .fd = stdin_fd, .buffer = input_buffer[0..], .offset = input_buffer.len },
io.Timeout{ .ts = &read_timeout, .flags = 0 },
) catch |err| {
if (err == error.Cancelled) {
try writer.print("\nTimed out waiting for input, exiting...\n", .{});
} else return err;
const num_bytes_read = @intCast(usize, read_cqe.res);
// Send it to the server.
_ = try ring.send(server, input_buffer[0..num_bytes_read], 0, null, null);
// Receive response.
const recv_cqe = try ring.recv(server, input_buffer[0..], 0, null, null);
const num_bytes_received = @intCast(usize, recv_cqe.res);
try writer.print("Received: {s}\n", .{input_buffer[0..num_bytes_received]});
supports adding timeouts to all operations. Adding a timeout to
an operation causes it to be cancelled after the specified timeout, returning
an error code error.Cancelled
if cancellation was successful.
An example from the unit tests:
fn testReadThatTimesOut(ring: *AsyncIOUring) !void {
var read_buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 20;
const ts = os.linux.kernel_timespec{ .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000 };
// Try to read from stdin - there won't be any input so this should
// reliably time out.
const read_cqe =
Read{ .fd =, .buffer = read_buffer[0..], .offset = 0 },
Timeout{ .ts = &ts, .flags = 0 },
try std.testing.expectEqual(read_cqe, error.Cancelled);
supports cancellation for all operations. Each operation is
identified by an id
that is set via a maybe_id
"output parameter" in all
operation submission functions (e.g. read
, send
, etc.). This id
can then
be passed to AsyncIOUring.cancel
to cancel that operation.
An example from the unit tests:
fn testReadThatIsCancelled(ring: *AsyncIOUring) !void {
var read_buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 20;
var op_id: u64 = undefined;
// Try to read from stdin - there won't be any input so this operation should
// reliably hang until cancellation.
var read_frame = async
Read{ .fd =, .buffer = read_buffer[0..], .offset = 0 },
const cancel_cqe = try ring.cancel(op_id, 0, null, null);
// Expect that cancellation succeeded.
try std.testing.expectEqual(cancel_cqe.res, 0);
const read_cqe = await read_frame;
try std.testing.expectEqual(read_cqe, error.Cancelled);