ChibiHash in Zig - a small, fast 64-bit hash function
A Zig port of ChibiHash64 - a small, fast 64-bit hash function. See the article ChibiHash: A small, fast 64-bit hash function for more information.
All credit for the algorithm goes to N-R-K.
const std = @import("std");
const ChibiHash64v1 = @import("chibihash64_v1.zig");
const ChibiHash64v2 = @import("chibihash64_v2.zig");
// Basic hashing v1
const hash = ChibiHash64v1.hash("Hello, world!", 0);
// Using HashMap v1
var map = ChibiHash64v1.HashMap([]const u8, i32).init(allocator);
defer map.deinit();
// Basic hashing v2
const hash = ChibiHash64v2.hash("Hello, world!", 0);
// Using HashMap v2
var map = ChibiHash64v2.HashMap([]const u8, i32).init(allocator);
defer map.deinit();
See example/example.zig
for a complete example. Run it with zig build run-example