A generic hashmap backed by static memory
A generic HashMap in zig similar to std.ArrayHashMap().
zig fetch --save git+
// build.zig:
const static_map = b.dependency("static-map", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("static-map", static_map.module("static-map"));
// main.zig
test "usage" {
// const static_map = @import("static-map");
// init()
const Map = static_map.StaticStringMap(u8, 16);
var map = Map.init();
// put()/get()/contains()
try map.put("abc", 1);
try testing.expect(map.contains("abc"));
try testing.expectEqual(1, map.get("abc"));
// getOrPut()
const gop = map.getOrPut("abc");
try testing.expectEqual(.existing, gop.status);
gop.value_ptr.* = 2;
try testing.expectEqual(2, map.get("abc"));
// putAssumeCapacity()
map.putAssumeCapacity("def", 3);
try testing.expectEqual(3, map.get("def"));
// putNoClobber()
map.putNoClobber("ghi", 4);
try testing.expectEqual(4, map.get("ghi"));
// getPtr()
map.getPtr("def").?.* = 5;
try testing.expectEqual(5, map.get("def"));
// count()
try testing.expectEqual(3, map.count());
// iterator()
var iter = map.iterator();
var count: u8 = 0;
while ( |kv| : (count += 1) {
try"{s}: {}", .{ kv.key, kv.value });
try testing.expectEqual(map.count(), count);
zig build test
this is a plot of data generated by src/bench.zig. you can generate some data by running ./