Yet Another CLI Library (in Zig)
Import the yacli.zig
const yacli = @import("yacli.zig");
Now define your subroutines:
fn version_subroutine(arg_it: anytype) !void {
_ = arg_it;
std.debug.print("Version 1\n", .{});
pub fn main() {
// ...
const help_string =
\\version Prints version
try yacli.parse_subroutines(allocator, help_string, .{
Let's modify the previous program:
fn hello_subroutine(arg_it: anytype) !void {
const help_string =
\\name=<str> Name to print
var args = yacli.parse_args(help_string, arg_it) catch return;
std.debug.print("Hello, {s}!", .{});
fn version_subroutine(arg_it: anytype) !void {
_ = arg_it;
std.debug.print("Version 1\n", .{});
pub fn main() {
// ...
const help_string =
\\add Add two numbers
\\version Prints version
try yacli.parse_subroutines(allocator, help_string, .{
Currently the annotated type in the help string is not parsed yet -- everything is just a string.