Pretty logging library for zig!
A pretty logging library for zig.
This library depends on the ansi library and the timestamp library (which uses libC).
Clone this repository in your libs folder.
git clone --recursive
Then add the following line in the build.zig
const logger = @import("libs/logger/build.zig");
pub fn build(b: *Build) !void {
exe.addModule("logger", logger.module(b));
const std = @import("std");
const logger = @import("logger");
pub fn main() !void {
// Set the log level
logger.level = logger.Level.Debug;
// If set to true, it will exit with 0, otherwise with 1
logger.clean_exit = true;
logger.debugFull("Title", .{}, "{s}", .{"This is a debug message!"});
logger.infoFull("Title", .{}, "{s}", .{"This is an information!"});
logger.warnFull("Title", .{}, "{s}", .{"This is a warning!"});
logger.errFull("Title", .{}, "{s}", .{"This is an error!"});
logger.fatalFull("Title", .{}, "{s}", .{"This is a fatal error!"});
// Other alternatives (won't run because of the `fatalFull`)
logger.debug("Title", .{});"Title", .{});
logger.warn("Title", .{});
logger.err("Title", .{});
logger.fatal("Title", .{});
The ansi and timestamp libraries are also accessible from the logger module like so:
const logger = @import("logger");
const ansi = logger.ansi;
const timestamp = logger.timestamp;