A toy JVM
A very simple JVM written in zig, supporting a subset of it's instructions and capabilities.
First you need to install zig. If you have it installed, you can run the following command to build yeeeeem:
zig build
then you need to have some sort of java class. For a simple hello world, create a file
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
then compile it to a class file via
you can then run it in yeeeeem
./zig-out/bin/yeeeeem Main.class
Well, since we want to make fun of java, we call it yava.
So it is a YVM or Yava Virtual Machine, this looks bad, so why not YM.
And since we have fun it's yeeeeem!
Pronounced more like yeeee-em