40% Keywell Keyboard
The Amosis is a 40% split keywell board with a Cirque trackpad built into each side. The case is 3D printed, and features a keywell shape similar to Kinesis or Dactyl keyboards, except with only three rows.
This keyboard uses custom controller firmware written from scratch in Zig, and running on an RP2040.
It does not have runtime-swappable layouts or configuration. Instead, the keyboard layout, layer switching logic, mouse sensitivity, etc. is baked into the firmware, but updating the firmware is just a matter of holding the BOOT button while pressing the RESET button, then dragging a UF2 file to the RPI USB drive.
All of interesting configuration/layout stuff is handed in the logic.zig file. It should be relatively easy to customize the layout, though if you want to make behavioral changes, you will likely need to know some Zig.
The default layout is based on Hands Down Gold. The exact details can be found here.
It would probably be possible to use something like QMK with Amosis controllers, but please don't ask me to help with that; I have no interest and little experience with QMK, ZMK, etc.
Each side of the keyboard integrates a 40mm Cirque GlidePoint trackpad from a Steam Controller. While Valve stopped producing Steam Controllers years ago, you can still purchase the trackpads from Mouser, but you will likely need to make some modifications to make this work:
Have the controller boards manufactured using the files in the kicad/gerbers/left/
and kicad/gerbers/right
Ensure dependencies are available on your path:
Adjust the keymapping and layer logic as you like, then run zig build
3D print a case using zig-out/bin/left.stl
and zig-out/bin/right.stl
Flash the zig-out/bin/firmware.uf2
and to both controllers (the same file can be used for both sides because the firmware will detect which side it is at boot).
The 3 row signals are driven to 3.3V when scanning a row, and 0V when not scanning that row. The 7 column signals are read as inputs with weak pull-downs, and treat a high value as indicating that a switch is pressed. Therefore, there are 2 possible ways to wire the diode/switch matrix that will work:
Note the line on diode packages indicates the cathode side. Also note while the schematics list a schottky diode part number, any general purpose diodes will work fine for the matrix, e.g. 1N914/1N4148, 1N4001, etc.