Future home for the re-creation of Cosmic Invaders originally in C++/Allegro, now in Zig/Raylib.
These assets come from an old Allegro ~4.2 game and are in zlib compressed format. Two types of bitmap files
exist: .mz
and .sz
files. The .mz
variant are just simple bitmap graphics usually containing no animation
frame data and are just meant to largely convey RGB24 static images.
The .sz
variant is meant to utilize Allegro's sub_bitmap feature and treats the asset as having multiple
frames of data usually used as RGB24 animated/multi-frame images.
The good news is, both file types can be treated as a single bitmap at least for the purpose of viewing the files and properly extracting them.
So far, this code will also knock out the two key colors that this particular collection of assets use.
In order to process these files zlib
must be used to properly deal with the fact that they are compressed.
The way these assets were figured out is by reverse engineering the original game asset using Binary Ninja.
To decompress and generate the .png
equivalent assets just do: zig build run
The original game was not built by me and is circa 2006. If you are adept at coding and can either read this code and port it, or run this code then you'll have access to the assets! If not, don't ask.
On start game, player starts with 550 money, 25 health points
Lazer Turret = 140
Missle Battery = 350
Spark Tower = 550
On game over, show GAME OVER banner, WAVES DEFEATED:
On game over screen, everything is rendered in monochrome greyscale except banner
Hit on invader makes it flash white, invader now becomes red
Between waves, all player's buildings remain
On building hit, show a single dust cloud
When building is below X percent, show repeated dust clouds
Buildings cannot overlap, if overlapped render as red and don't allow placing it
Each new building costs more than the last
Every 5 levels (confirm this), a boss shows up drops red balls, green bubble with red eye
Invaders will fly in circular motion around it, protecting it