Box2D-Lite rewritten in Zig. Box2D is a small physics engine for 2D games.
Version of Box2D-Lite rewritten in the Zig programming language
Box2D-Lite is a small 2D physics engine. It was developed for the 2006 GDC Physics Tutorial. This is the original version of the larger Box2D library. The Lite version is more suitable for learning about game physics.
Tested Zig compiler version: 0.10.0-dev.2585+fcfeafe99
box2d_raylib_debugdraw.zig: Debug drawing with raylib.
Shows how to set-up a physics world and run simulation. Prints body positions to console.
const std = @import("std");
const b2 = @import("box2d.zig");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
// Initialize Box2D World
var b2World: b2.World = b2.World{
.gravity = b2.Vec2{ .x = 0, .y = -9.81 },
.iterations = 6,
.accumulateImpulses = true, // Enable accumulating impulsed over many frames
.warmStarting = true, // Reuse impulses from last frame to start the physics solver
.positionCorrection = true, // Also correct position, not just velocity
.bodies = b2.World.BodyMap.init(std.heap.page_allocator),
.arbiters = b2.World.ArbiterMap.init(std.heap.page_allocator),
// Add ground
// Body.init arguments: position, scale, mass
b2World.addBody(b2.Body.init(.{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, .{ .x = 20, .y = 1 }, std.math.inf(f32)));
// Add dynamic body
b2World.addBody(b2.Body.init(.{ .x = 0, .y = 5 }, .{ .x = 2, .y = 2 }, 2.0));
while(true) {
// Simulate physics
// Print positions of bodies
for (b2World.bodies.items) |b, i| std.debug.print("Body #{} position={}\n", .{i, b.position});