Platformer game with zig and WASM-4. Nitor codecamp.
A game written in Zig for the WASM-4 fantasy console.
Running in https://jsyrjala.github.io/jumper/
Install Zig: https://ziglang.org/download/
Install WASM-4:
npm install wasm4
Run development server:
w4 watch
For more info about setting up WASM-4, see the quickstart guide.
Build the cart by running:
zig build -Drelease-small=true
Then run it with:
w4 run zig-out/lib/cart.wasm
Bundling creates a single all-in-one HTML file that can be deployed to web server.
w4 bundle --html zig-out/index.html --title Jumper --description "Simple platformer" zig-out/lib/cart.wasm