Arm mmu configuration implementation.
A clean and maintainable Arm MMU configuration implementation. This project allows for a simple configuration of page tables in all three granules as well as table entry attributes, important configuration registers(tcr, mair). I wrote this implementation for this project, but since it offers such a great standalone value to all bare matel projects, I created this repo.
This project is not a simple solution and basic understanding of the mmu is required. Things this project does not do for you includes tcr/ mair reg configuration as well as virtual address start calc which differ per granule and configuration.
// creating PageTable with 0x40000000 in size, Fourk granule and 0x20000000 as page table array addr start as well as 0 load mem addr(lma)
// lma: is only required when the address space the code is currently executed already has an offset to the actual physical offset
var ttbr1_write = (try mmu.PageTable(0x40000000, Granule.Fourk).init(0x20000000, 0x0);
// creating virtual address space for kernel
const kernel_space_mapping = mmu.Mapping{
// we could also only map parts of the available memory (0x40000000) and map the rest differently
.mem_size = 0x40000000,
// the addresss where the descriptors point to (and start increasing from there)
.pointing_addr_start = 0x40000000,
// defines where the virtual address starts (modulates the descriptor placement)
// if virt_addr_start was 0x500 and pointing_addr_start 0x100 a cpu mem access to 0x0
// would result in a mmu access fault but an access to 0x500 would actually access 0x100
.virt_addr_start = 0,
// Has to be similar to the above
.granule = Granule.Fourk,
.addr_space = .ttbr1,
// last descriptors (block) level flags
.flags_last_lvl = mmu.TableDescriptorAttr{ .accessPerm = .only_el1_read_write, .attrIndex = .mair0 },
// defines (only) first level flags
.flags_non_last_lvl = mmu.TableDescriptorAttr{ .accessPerm = .only_el1_read_write },
// writes the mapping to the PageTable
try ttbr1_write.mapMem(kernel_space_mapping);
All possible configuration parameters can be found in mmu.zig
// tnsz of 25 has a min start address of 0xFFFFFF8000000000 in a 4k granule config (which is indicated by tgn=0)
proc.TcrReg.setTcrEl(.el1, (proc.TcrReg{ .t0sz = 25, .t1sz = 25, .tg0 = 0, .tg1 = 0 }).asInt());
proc.MairReg.setMairEl(.el1, (proc.MairReg{ .attr0 = 0xFF, .attr1 = 0x0, .attr2 = 0x0, .attr3 = 0x0, .attr4 = 0x0 }).asInt());