A WIP Markdown variant with a focus on creating reproducible scientific documents.
A WIP Markdown variant with a focus on creating reproducible scientific documents.
(subject to change)Heading
at the end of a line to force a line break insteadCommonMark: Combined emphasis with **asterisks and *underscores***.
SciMarkdown: Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
See this file for a complete example of using SciMarkdown, the HTML output can bee seen here.
Usage: scimd [-h] [-o <FILENAME>] [-r <FILENAME>] [-s <FILENAME>] [-l <LOCALE>] [--write-bib-conversion] <IN-FILE>
-h, --help
Display this help and exit.
-o, --out <FILENAME>
Output filename.
-r, --references <FILENAME>
Path to references file (BibLaTeX or CSL-JSON).
-s, --citation-style <FILENAME>
Path to CSL file.
-l, --locale <LOCALE>
Specify locale as BCP 47 language tag.
Whether to write out the converted .bib file as CSL-JSON