This repository has no description.
.dependencies = .{
.subcommander = .{
// use a commit hash
.url = "https://github.com/speed2exe/subcommander/archive/52c42f27cc888d3a9a0fbda6889b8a931ca673be.tar.gz",
// upon compilation, you will get an error with the correct hash,
// replace the following hash with the correct hash
.hash = "1220cea02c171a09873b197687c80a0e1a632e58ab99b779d2d5b0090c116efe5348",
const subcommander_dep = b.dependency("subcommander", .{});
const subcommander = subcommander_dep.module("subcommander");
exe.addModule("subcommander", subcommander);
const std = @import("std");
const subcommander = @import("subcommander");
fn main() !void {
// build your commands and flags here
// define what flags to parse
const mycommands: subcommander.Command = .{
// if not specified, will parse the flags, then subcommands (if any)
// this will be the name of the program.
// e.g. "greet --name=world"
// usually you would want to skip this (dont specify) since the name of executable will not be consistent
// for majority of use cases.
// .match = "greet",
// fn to execute when the command is matched
.execute = greetHandler,
// flags are local to the command "greet"
.flags = &.{
.short = "n",
.long = "name",
.description = "name to greet",
.short = "h",
.long = "help",
.description = "print help",
// subcommands are command that follows after `match`
.subcommands = &.{
.match = "tom",
.execute = greetTomHandler,
.flags = &.{
// addition flags after "tom"
// e.g. args; "greet tom --tomflag=5 ..."
// run commands with args from the command line
// Flag value type: ?[*:0]const u8
// Success:
// ./mygreet --name=world # Flag value for name: "world"
// ./mygreet --name= # Flag value for name: ""
// ./mygreet --name # Flag value for name: null
// ./mygreet
// We are skipping the first argument since it is the name of the program
// therefore flags are parsed first, then subcommands
try mycommands.run(std.os.argv[1..]);
// function signature for greetHandler
fn greetHandler(input: *const subcommander.InputCommand) void {
// get the command that was matched
std.debug.print("{s}", .{input.name.?}); // prints "greet"
// iterate over the flags for "greet"
var flag_iter = input.flagIterRec();
while (flag_iter.next()) |flag| {
const value: ?[*:0]const u8 = flag.value;
// do something with the flag
// call next() to get the subcommand (if any)
if (input.next) |next_input| {
// `next_input` is same type as `input`